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Space Traders and Raiders


At A Glance

Project Length: 3-4 months

Role: Lead Artist 



-led weekly art team meetings providing honest feedback 

-consistent documentation of assets 

-held 1-on-1 meetings with artists to ascertain production problems and      assist with personal development

-weekly task delegation appropriate to individual skill and desired roles



I took on the role of the lead artist for Space Traders and Raiders, a class project where we had to digitize a partly-finished game concept the professor provided us. I led

eight artists in this difficult but rewarding experience.


The project started out hectic, and different departments struggled with their own problems. I had my fair share of issues, and some of the challenges I faced made me question this role several times. 


However, as our class started becoming more comfortable with the project, our art team started picking up the rate of asset production. I led around 15-20 weekly team meetings, created effective documentation, and spoke with artists to isolate issues while encouraging personal development. At the end of it all, my art team delivered roughly 500 assets. Ship variations, tons of UI, game menus, and 3D models told a tale of success.


I'm overall very proud of the team, and I cherish this as one of the coolest, but most stressful experiences I've ever had in game development. While I may not have been at the forefront of asset creation, I personally believe that I grew a lot as an artist, teammate, and person. 

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